Dec. 2022
Lets GO, What a great year! We saw another year of growth in the club, we put in a brand new 18 hole course for Billings and we hosted the MT State Championships. The DGB club put on events, leagues and fundraisers, w/ 1000s of organized rounds played, including 748 PDGA sanctioned rounds this year. It was a ton of fun!
Thank you to 96 Disc Golf Billings members and the event participants who made this year a success. You put in time creating a new course in Billings, volunteered and represented in events around the state. Thank you Dave Pigott, our club president who has kept the club on track year after year. Thank you Andy Bottman and Brad Dumont for doing so much work this year making leagues and events come off like clockwork. Thank you to the other board members who ALL put in work this year, likewise the volunteers, members and sponsors who put in time to support the club and our disc golf community.
Disc Golf Billings had a great 2022, here are some highlights...
In the aftermath of the Diamond X’s Black baskets being removed, board members were able to repair the once rocky relationship with the city. Board members led by Jake Jones held several meetings with the city and negotiated the return of the Black baskets and made plans for a new course at Phipps park splitting the cost of the new baskets with the city.
The other thing the club repaired were the historic baskets from Diamond X. The club recovered baskets from both the Greens lost after the 2016 rockside and the Blacks lost in 2021. Now mostly repaired and painted thanks to the efforts of Matt Whipple and other board members. You saw some of them in the State Championship and will see more of them out in the field this year!
The biggest victory this year is that Disc Golf Billings put in a brand new 18 hole course for Billings Montana, the Orange Triangle at Diamond X! Thirty disc golfers and friends logged more than 300 hours with the city of Billings putting in this new course. Lots of evenings and weekends were sacrificed to finish before the Spring Fling! The local community quickly raised $5,000 via a go-fund-me to purchase the baskets, great job! A huge win for disc golf in Billings!
The club’s finances have been brought into order over the last two years. The club is no longer dependent upon board members financing disc or tournament purchases and has paid off final obligations from taxes and fees dating from 2018. This year; the 2022 membership swag was fire, we purchased material for building the new Orange course, parts for basket repair, wraps for Pioneer and a club tent, we were able to add cash and great players packs to our tournaments and always had plenty of CTP's and prizes for our membership and events.
Take note, all the funds raised by the DGB Club go back to the Club in the form of social and recreational activities for our membership and disc golf community. No personal or private interests benefit financially from Club activity.
Leading up to the Montana State championships we saw an article published in the Simply Local magazine that introduced and promoted disc golf in Billings in a positive light.
Then the fun stuff, the events! ....
The Spring Shivver charity event for TumbleWeeds was a huge success raising more than $1,775.- for TumbleWeeds, an organization that provides services to runaway, homeless, and vulnerable youth.
We elected our current Disc Golf Billings Board at the Member meeting in February at Thirsty Street, adding an 8th Board member in June.
Sunday League at Diamond X started as Glow League was winding down in the spring. More than 35 players have played 220 Sunday League rounds in 2022. The club continued the $5 Ace pot at the X, only one Ace pot of $400- cashed so far this year! There is more yet to win, so get out and get some! Top attendees this year: Andy Bottman, Greg Gaustad, Bill Erickson, Brad Dumont and AJ Duncan.
The Spring Fling Fundraising League at Diamond X, a 10 week sanctioned League, and fun fundraiser for the Spring Fling had some hot rounds. 34 players shot 116 sanctioned rounds during this league and raised $700 for the Spring Fling.
The Spring Fling at Diamond X presented by MariMint, the club's signature event, came off without a hitch. We had blessed weather for this two day sanctioned event. It was a success with 90 participants from around the state and nation taking part. DIsc golf Billings was able to unveil the new Orange course at this tournament and participants loved it.
Tuesday Bag Tag League at Pioneer Park started in May and again this year we have had more new participants than ever. Yes! 103 people participated in 680 Tuesday night League rounds at Pioneer park playing for 61 bag tags. Halfway through the season we had a mid-year tournament, with divisions, handicaps, cash and CTP prizes!
In July Disc Golf Billings teamed up with GoUnite for two events at Pioneer park to introduce new players to the sport of disc golf! What an awesome time! DGB vets were paired up with newbies for a nine hole disc golf lesson! Thanks again to GoUnite for the opportunity to help grow the sport in our local community!
Disc Golf Billings members participated in The Big Sky State Games in July. The event was run by our own Dave Pigott and Andy Bottman. 49 players competed for the gold, playing 2 rounds of disc golf on a VERY hot day in Pioneer Park.
And the highlight of the year!.... The 2022 Montana State Championship presented A-Team Roofing and Solar. This was a record breaking disc golf event for Billings with 118 participants finishing. Participants played three courses across two locations over two days. The highlight was tee times at Pioneer Park for the "Championship layout”, a challenging 18 hole par 59 set up specifically for this tournament. Billings gets the opportunity to host this event once every five years and Disc Golf Billings knocked it out of the park, great job!
Tuesday League Year-end Tournament, immediately after States the club wrapped up Tuesday League with a final tournament. The last chance to defend tags, again with lots of fun, divisions, handicaps, cash and CTP prizes! Top scores for the season: Seth White (-11, -11, -10), Steven Carreiro (-9, -9, -9), Jake Jones (-9) & Leate Rogers (-9). Top attendees for the season: Andy Bottman, Doug MacDonald, Brad Dumont, Tel Dedmore, Bill Erickson, AJ Duncan, Steven Carreiro, Greg Gaustad, Matt Whipple, Roger MadPlume and Travis Copper.
Glow League is currently ON! Started with Halloween Costume Dubs and will go on through the dark months. We are 84 rounds in with perfect attendance so far by1: Dave Pigott, Andy Bottman, Doug MacDonald, AJ Duncan and Brian VanderKolk.
And the Year isn't over yet: A member meeting is around the corner. Glow league is on! and Sunday mornings at the X will continue except when weather drives us off the hill.
2023 looks to be all this and more! More baskets, more disc golf, more fun! Everyone is welcome at our events, join the club, get out and disc golf, build the community, become a better disc golfer and enjoy the company of people who like disc golf as much as you. Let's have another great year!
The DGB Club has an FB page, group and Instagram account, an email newsletter and club Website to keep the community up to date on Disc Golf Billings events. Don't miss your shot to be a part of what's happening.
2022 Board of Directors
2022 Disc Golf Billings Board of Directors elected at the membership meeting Thursday Feb. 24th at the Thirsty Street Brewing's Taproom. (Jason Barber nominated by the Board June 2nd)
- Dave Pigott - President & Treasurer
- Jake Jones - Vice-President
- Andy Bottman - Secretary
- Brad Dumont - Board member
- Matt Whipple - Board member
- Tanner Reiter - Board member
- Doug MacDonald - Board member
- Jason Barber - Board member
2022 Disc Golf Billings membership cost only $20-
2022 Disc Golf Billings memberships cost $20-. Members receive a DGB Disc, mini and hat. Members can cash in on DGB Ace pots and vote on the DGB Board. Memberships will be on sale at Sunday and Tuesday leagues or reach out to any board member.
2022 Disc Golf Billings Bag Tags cost $10-