Thank you to the 65 Disc Golf Billings club members and other event participants who made 2021 a success, you put in time on the course, as volunteers and represented in events around the state. Thank you Dave Pigott, our club president who has done so much work to grow the club and put on events. Thank you to the other volunteers and members who have put in time in support of the club and community.
We had a great year, this is some of what we have done...
The Spring Shivver charity event for TumbleWeeds was a huge success raising more $2,000.- for an organization that provides services to runaway, homeless, and vulnerable youth.
We elected our current Disc Golf Billings Board at the Member meeting in March at Thirsty Street.
Coming off of Glow League in the spring we started Sunday mornings at Diamond X, more than 40 players have participated in hundreds of Sunday League rounds at the X this year. The club started a big boy $5 Ace pot at the X, it was hit for $800+ the biggest Ace pot in DGB history! Disc Golf Billings plays the X any Sunday the weather permits.
The Diamond X Spring Fling fundraising League , a 10 week sanctioned League shooting the full 27 hole layout to raise funds for the Spring Fling had some hot rounds and raised significant funds for the tournament.
The big event, The Spring Fling At Diamond X came off without a hitch. Though we had serious weather for this two day sanctioned event it was a success with participants from around the state and nation taking part.
Tuesday League at Pioneer Park started in May and we have had more new participants than ever before. Hurrah! 74 people participated in 420 Tuesday night League rounds at Pioneer park playing for 54 bag tags. Halfway through the season we had a Mid-year Tournament, with divisions, handicaps, cash and CTP prizes!
Disc Golf Billings members participated in The Big Sky State Games in July with the disc golf event run by our own Dave Pigott on a beautiful day in Pioneer Park.
The Rockslide Open rocked! At the end of the season this one day sanctioned tournament at Diamond X was good fun with good weather.
We just wrapped up the Tuesday League with the Year-end Tournament. Again tons of fun with divisions, handicaps, cash and CTP prizes!
Emanuel Baptist Church (EBC) has concrete tee pads! A huge thanks to all the volunteers that came out to help, 22 total volunteers from the disc golf community and Emmanuel Baptist members showed up and showed out to grow the sport! So great to see!
In October DGB volunteers showed up in force for a Two Moon Park work party with the YRPA to remove invasive trees at the park.
DGB Board members started a series of meetings with Billings Park and Rec to discuss baskets removed from the X that year. Ultimately the Club and the City were able to align interests and plan to split the cost of 18 new baskets for Diamond X at Phipps park in the coming year.
Glow league started in November to keep us disc golfing thru the dark days of winter and to the sunshine of a new season.
This year besides a FaceBook page the DGB Club now has an Instagram account, an email newsletter and club Website to keep the community up to date on Disc Golf Billings events.
2021 was a great year, let's make 2022 even better! Get out there and disc golf Billings.
2021 DGB Board of Directors elected at the membership meeting March 11th 2021 at Thirsty Street's The Garage.
- Dave Pigott - President & Treasurer
- Jake Jones - Vice-President
- Andy Bottman - Secretary
- Brad Dumont - Board member
- Matt Whipple - Board member
2021 Disc Golf Billings memberships cost $20- and came with a choice of a DGB disc or hat.
2021 DGB bag tags cost $5-.